From 1816-1831 Jacob Switzer was taxed on 156 acres in the NE ¼ R3 T15 S25 (Salem Twp). Patent Certificate 883 was issued to Jacob Switzer of Jefferson County, Ohio for this land in 1804. The final certificate number 1976 was issued in 1808. In 1832 this land was sold by Jacob and Elizabeth to Daniel Switzer.

Columbiana County, Ohio Deeds Volume 15, bottom of page 389 (FHL Film 926868)
Pages 389 and 390 contain the standard legalese associated with land transactions.
“This indenture made this twentieth day of January AD One Thousand eight hundred and thirty two, by and between Jacob Switzer and Elizabeth his wife of the county of Columbiana in the state of Ohio of the one part, and Daniel Switzer... for and in consideration of the sum of Fifteen hundred dollars... do convey unto the said Daniel Switzer... all that tract or parcel of land... in the North East quarter of Section No twenty five Township No fifteen and range No three of the Steubenville land District... containing one hundred and fifty six acres and Seventy Seven hundredths... which quarter Section of land was granted to the said Jacob Switzer by Patent From under the hand and seal of Thomas Jefferson while he was President of the United States..."Jacob and Elizabeth both made their marks. The deed was recorded on the 13th day of February 1832.

Columbiana County, Ohio Deeds Volume 15, page 390 (FHL Film 926868)
The interesting part of these documents begins at the bottom of page 390 and continues on to page 391 and is a Mortgage made by Daniel Switzer to Jacob Switzer.
This Indenture made this twenty first day of January AD one Thousand eight hundred and thirty Two, between Daniel Switzer & Elisabeth his wife... and Jacob Switzer of the other part, Witnesseth that the said Daniel Switzer and Elisabeth his Wife for and in consideration of the sum of Six hundred dollars to them in hand paid by the said Jacob Switzer... do confirm unto the said Jacob Switzer... all that tract or parcel of land... being the North east quarter of Section No twenty five Township No fifteen, and range No Three... containing one hundred and fifty six acres more or less...
Provided always, and these presents are upon This express condition, that if the said Daniel Switzer, his heirs executors or administrators shall pay or cause to be be paid unto the said Jacob Switzer or assigns, yearly and every year for and during his natural life on or before the first day of April annually commencing in 1833 twenty five Bushels of wheat, fifty bushels of corn, fifty bushels of oats and six bushels of buckwheat, and also to furnish and provide yearly and every year during his natural life, hay and stable rom for one horse and a Cow, during the winter season, and pasture during the remainder of the year, keep four head of Sheep for said Jacob Switzer. Furnish him a Sufficient quantity of firewood ready for use at His house. let him have the entire use of the mansion house he Now lives in – room in the Springhouse as usual – as much fruit as he and his wife shall want for their own use a truck patch Before his door and as much room as usual in the garden. That then and from Henceforth these presents and every thing Herein contained shall cease and be void, anything herein Contained, to the contrary not withstanding. In Testimony whereof the said Daniel Switzer and Elisabeth his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals, day and year first above written.Daniel Switzer signed his name and his wife Elisabeth made her mark. The mortgage was received for record and recorded on the 13th day of February 1832.

Columbiana County, Ohio Deeds Volume 15, page 391 (FHL Film 926868)

Columbiana County, Ohio Deeds Volume 15, top of page 392 (FHL Film 926868)
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