It is August after all and I thought we could afford a tiny break from crampons and all this talk of past skiing and ice on the way. Hopefully no one will be too offended. Dbl click for full value.

Couple of friends on "Illusions", 11a,a stellar thin crack climb I did a life time or so ago.. It is a perfect 0 TCU crack. Just scanned in 300 slides and negatives fromclimbing in the 70s and 80s. Only another 500 or so more to go. Got a look at climbs I have forgotten even existed let alone stuff I had done. I'll add a few of the better ones when I get time. Dbl click the photos for full value.

Another thin crack crux and another favorite climb of mine, "Rock 106" .11c face, bolted. Wendy leading again.

This is where I first put on my big boy pants.Max on the 2nd ascent of "Yahoody".11b, Hands, fingers andfists. No one gets left out here.You'll have to excuse the tights :) Six yearspreviousDarcy and Idid the first ascent. A big adventure in *many* ways in 1980. Likely the purest line I have done and some of the most beautifulrock. Back then it wasjeans, a tee shirt and EBs.
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