Buried in the Scott-Keister Cemetery in Etna-Troy Township, Whitley County, Indiana in close proximity to William and Sophia Wise are two of their grandchildren.

John Wise Brubaker was born prematurely on February 16, 1901. He survived eight days, passing away on February 24th. John was the first child born to Charles Romain Brubaker and his wife, Maud Catherine Wise. It's possible that little John was named for his great grandfather.

Maurice Wise Burns was born on July 31, 1912 and died on October 2, 1912. He was the son of Harlo Asher Burns and Hazlette Ann Wise (Maud's younger sister), and was their first child. The Columbia City Post of October 5, 1912 published this sad notice of his death: "Maurice Wise Burns, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Burns, of Troy township, died at 3 o'clock Thursday morning. The little babe was born July 31, and has never been very well, but the parents and friends hoped that its constitution might become stronger and its life be spared, but their fond hopes were blighted when the spark of life became extinct at the hour stated. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the house. Rev. E. E. Wright, of Larwill, officiating, and the interment will be in the Scott cemetery." Little Maurice was named after his uncle, Maurice James Wise.
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