- Charles Douglas Wiseman (brother). US Navy 1964-1968. Doug served as a Hospital Corpsman and was stationed with the Marines at Camp LeJeune, North Carolina.
- Jack Lynn Wiseman (brother). A Hospital Corpsman in the US Navy 1969-1973, Jack was stationed at the Great Lakes Naval Station and with the Marines in San Diego, California.
- Gary Wiseman (cousin). US Navy 1969-1973. Enlisted at the same time as my brother, Jack, on the "buddy" program, which meant they got to go through boot camp together. Gary saw shipboard duty.
- Rebeckah R. Wiseman (that would be me). US Navy 1969-1979. Photographer's Mate stationed in Virginia, Maryland, Florida, Iceland, California and Japan. I hesitated to include my name in the list, but what the heck, I am a vet! Read the letters from Boot Camp that I sent to my mother.
- William Roland Conrad (cousin). US Navy Radioman. Served four years in the late 50's and early 60's. He was stationed in Alaska in January 1959 when it became our 49th state.
- Kenneth Eugene Fawley (distant cousin and husband of first cousin). Enlisted in the Army in June of 1957, right after high school. After Basic Training at Ft. Polk, Louisiana Kenny attended camera repair school at Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey. In December 1957, he was assigned to the 97th Signal Battalion, Photo Platoon, in Boblingen , Germany where they had two camera repairmen, 7 or 8 photographers, and some lab fellows. Kenny spent 30 months in Germany and attained the rank of Spec 5. He was discharged in June of 1960. The 97th Signal Battalion has a reunion group, which meets once a year at different locations. [Added December 4, ..]
- William Henry Phend (uncle). Bill joined the Army in March 1951. After basic training he was sent to Camp Stewart, Georgia. There he received training as a Combat MP (Military Police). Three times his name was put on the list of those who were to go to Korea, but for some unknown reason he was never sent. He was honorably discharged in March 1953.

- Jack William Wiseman (father). Enlisted February 19, 1943. 511th Parachute Infantry, 11th Airborne Division. He saw combat duty in the Pacific and would have been part of the invasion forces in Japan but instead, thankfully, was a member of the occupation forces. Born in Tippecanoe Township, Kosciusko County, Indiana on January 29, 1924 to Elsie Shuder and Charles Wilson Wiseman he died December 18, 1995 at Warsaw, Indiana. I have my father's discharge papers and have found some information on the 511th on the internet but sadly do not have any information on the World War II service of my uncles.
- Perry Martin Comfort Wiseman (uncle). Enlisted April 14, 1942. Perry was born August 3, 1906 and died July 9, 1968. On February 6, 1954 he was married to Retha Juanita Rindfusz Wallace. They did not have any children.
- Emery Emerson Wiseman (uncle). Enlisted in the Navy. Emery was born August 1, 1922 and died November 23, 1971. He lived in Kosciusko County, Indiana all his life. On February 24, 1946 he married Jean Ruth Bailey. They had three children.
- Robert Glen Reiff (uncle). Enlisted in the Army on February 27, 1943. Bob was born March 10, 1924 and died February 17, ... He was married on June 17, 1945 to Patricia Eileen Phend. They had four children.
- Carl Emmert Conrad (uncle). Carl was born December 4, 1917 at Nappanee, Elkhart County, Indiana and died October 15, 1970. He was married to Fern Louise Wiseman on September 22, 1939. They had one daughter.
- Glenn Roland Conrad (uncle, and brother to Carl Emmert Conrad) was born March 2, 1913 at Nappanee, Elkhart County, Indiana and died October 30, 1949 in Elkhart County. Glenn went into the Army on November 29, 1944. After basic training at Ft McClellan, Alabama, he was went to Fort Ord, California. On May 17, 1945 he went to Manilla leaving there on July 9, 1945 for Luzon where he started driving a 1 1/2 ton Dodge and also a Jeep. In October 1945 he was involved in the occupation of Japan, in the town of Tachigi where they destroyed war equipment. He was discharged April 4, 1946 and landed in Seattle, Washington. He was T/5 in the 158th Infantry, 1st Batallion. Glenn married Jessie Dell Wiseman (sister of Fern who married his brother Carl) on April 1, 1938 in Kosciusko County. They had two children: son, William is mentioned above and Caroline - the cousin who has done a lot of the research on the Wiseman lineage. (Added November 24, ..).
- Rolland Victor "Vic" Phend (grandfather). Enlisted Sept. 19, 1917 and discharged June 19, 1919. Served in France.
- Charles Romain Brubaker (great grandfather). Enlisted but dates of service not known. He was 48 years old in 1919 and was not required to register for the draft. I have not yet found record of his service but his gravemarker and his obituary both state that he was a veteran of WWI.
- Charles Romain Brubaker (great grandfather). Enlisted in Company K, 160th Indiana Volunteer Infantry in June 1898 in Huntington County. He served in Cuba as a Mess Sergeant.
- William Brubaker (2nd great grandfather). Enlisted April 21, 1861, in Company E, 17th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, serving three years and two months in Wilder's Brigade, Army of the Cumberland. In a skirmish he was wounded in the thigh, being disabled for several months and sent to the hospital. After discharge he veteranized in Company I, 152nd Regiment, was made sergeant of his company and served until the close of the war. Pension Claim 69407. On April 28, .. William was inducted as a part of the Charter Member Class into the Society of Civil War Families of Indiana, a program sponsored by the Indiana Genealogical Society.
- Jacob Wise (3rd great grandfather). Was drafted and mustered in on October 5th 1864, at Kendallville, Indiana. He served as a Private in Company "C" of the 30th Regiment of Indiana Volunteers. His widow's pension application states "and having served Honestly and Faithfully with his Company to the present date, is now entitled to a Discharge by reason of Death in Hospital at Nashville, Tenn. on May 17, 1865 of chronic diarrhea." Widow's Pension Application 101.119. On April 28, .. Jacob was inducted as a part of the Charter Member Class into the Society of Civil War Families of Indiana, a program sponsored by the Indiana Genealogical Society.
- Eli Yarian (2nd great grandfather). Enlisted January 28, 1862 and served as a private in Battery D, 1st Ohio Light Artillery. Mustered out July 15, 1865. His brother, Benjamin Yarian also served in Battery D and was mustered out at the same time as Eli. Another brother, David Yarian enlisted with Battery A, 1st Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery on August 11, 1862 and was discharged with the regiment in 1865. Yet another brother, Jonathan Yarian. Served with Company A of the 35th Indiana Regiment of Infantry. Jonathan enlisted in September 1864 while living in Noble County, Indiana. On December 16, 1864, during the second days battle at Nashville, he was severely wounded and taken to Cumberland Hospital, where his left leg was amputated. He was honorably discharged on May 26, 1865.
- Jacob Berlin (2nd great granduncle). Enlisted in Company C, Ninth Indiana Volunteer Infantry on September 5, 1861. He was killed on April 7th, 1862, during the second day's fighting of the Battle of Shiloh (Pittsburgh Landing, Tennessee). The Nappanee G.A.R. Post was named in his honor.
- Henry Robison, Jr. (3rd great granduncle). Enlisted in Company I of the 30th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Wounded on April 7, 1862 at Pittsburgh Landing. Served through the end of the war.
- William Klingaman (husband of 2nd great grandaunt). Served in Company F of the 142nd Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Moved to Jefferson County, Iowa in 1867.
- Conrad Yarian (4th great grandfather). Served as a Lieutenant in Martin Sittler's Company, from Columbiana County, Ohio along with his brother Mathias.
- Bela Goodrich (5th great grandfather). Served from August 24, 1812 until October 4, 1812 and from May 4, 1813 until May 27, 1813 in Israel P. Case's Company from Franklin County, Ohio. In 1855, applied for Bounty Land. File 143.039.
- William Alexander (4th great grandfather). Lived in the area of Cecil County, Maryland and Chester County, Pennsylvania. Enlisted July 24, 1776. By March of 1777, he was a 1st Lieutenant of the 7th Battalion of the Maryland Regulars Regiment. He served in the 5th Company. He was killed on Aug 27, 1777 on the 2nd day of battle at "Landing Head of Elk" Maryland.
- James Ball (4th great grandfather). At age 27, enlisted on August 20, 1776 at Hampshire, Virginia in Captain William Voss' company, 12th Virginia Regiment. Served for three years. He was in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown and Stoney Point. Received two wounds at the battle of Brandywine. Pension claim W8336.
- Henry Bray (5th great grandfather). Signed "Patriot's Oaths of Fidelity and Support" on March 16, 1778 in Washington County, Maryland. Accepted as DAR patriot. File number 3185877.
- John Bray (4th great grandfather, son of Henry Bray). At age 16, enlisted in September 1777 at Romney, Hampshire County, Virginia. Served as a Private in Captain William Voss' Company, 12th Virginia Regiment. Was wounded during the battle of Brandywine (Delaware) and fought at Monmouth and Stoney Point. Discharged in 1780 in Yorktown, Pennsylvania. Pension claim W4145.
- Andrew Brinker (5th great grandfather). He served as a Private in Lieutenant Colonel Cochin's 4th Company, 4th Battalion, of the Northampton County, Pennyslvania Militia. He moved to Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania between 1785-1790 then to Columbiana County, Ohio about 1806 where he died in 1828. [Added November 10, ..]
- Johann Heinrich "Henry" Coy/Kau/Cow/Cowe (5th great grandfather). Served from Washington County, Maryland and Franklin County, Pennsylvania along with his brothers Jacob and Frederick.
- John Goodrich (6th great grandfather). Marched for the relief of Boston in the Lexington Alarm April 1775. Served as a Private in Capt. Hezekiah Wells' Company, Colonel Erastus Wollcotts' Regiment January-March 1776. DAR No. 592151 through Juanita (Mrs. Eugene) Beard.
- Joseph Joslin (6th great grandfather). On page 125 of the "The Jocelyn-Joslin-Joslyn-Josselyn Family" (1961), Edith Wessler says that Joseph was a Lieutenant in the Revolution. On page 106 in "Blackman and Allied Families" author Alfred L. Holman says that Joseph was a Sergeant in the Revolution. Joseph's tombstone says "In memory of Lieut. Joseph Joslin..." I've not done any further research to prove or disprove these claims so if he served during the revolution, I don't know where or when or in what capacity.
- Thomas Sprague (4th great grandfather). He resided at Union, Tolland County, Connecticut and Mt. Vernon, Knox County, Ohio. Served as a private in Capt. Christopher Banister's Company, Col. Ezra May's Regiment; enlisted September 20, 1777; discharged October 5, 1777, service 21 days on expedition to Stillwater and Saratoga.
- Jacob Van Keuren (6th great grandfather). Served in the Fourth Regiment from Ulster County, New York.
Other relatives who have served:
- Veterans in my Family :: the War of 1812 and the Civil War
- Veterans in my Family :: Spanish American War and World War I
- Veterans in my Family :: World War II, Korea, and Vietnam
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