December 1961, two years old.
This must have been taken with my grandfather's camera - I don't think we had a color one until many years later.
One of those boxes held a great stuffed tiger, and there was a pink and blue stuffed bear in one of the others. (No I don't remember, I've just got more pictures.)
The table and tea set to the right were the BIG present.

December 1967, with my little brother and sister.
That bear he was sitting on had wheels, and could really scratch up the finish on a floor.
I seem to be holding a Barbie doll, but don't remember playing with them much. (I liked Johnny West dolls better.)
My sister seems happy with her sucker. I think that was her doctor's bag in the foreground.
We always had to wait until my grandfather got there to open the wrapped presents. I remember thinking that he needed to get up a lot earlier.
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