No one more surprised than me of the results over the last 3 years.
The first post I made onCold Thistle was 1/29/10
Dec'10 saw 63K page reads for the month.
Dec'11 saw 84K page reads for the month.
Dec '12 saw 99K page reads for the month
As of today Cold Thistle has just rolled over 1.5 million page reads! But we have yet to break 4K page reads in a day...close mind you but CT never hit 4K in a 24 hr period. Thanks to everyone for dropping by. Theaudience here is literally from every alpine country in the world, reading and commenting on a daily basis. Andbetter yet contributing with guest blogs when you can or have the interest. My wish was forthe blog tohelp spread good info in the community. I'm blessed to still be a part of and how small thethe tribereally is.
Your support (the readers and manufactures) has enabled me to see more gear that I ever thought remotely possible. Reporting back here in writing and pictures is still fun for me. Hopefully it has been useful to you. The page reads here are way out of proportion to the 500+ membership. If you would liketo see more gear reviewed, take a moment and sign up as a member of the Cold Thistle blog. It costs nothing but a few minutes of your time. I willknow nothing more about you past your little photo in the "list". Way less time that it takes to read this blog post. The advantage to you (and me) is manufactures are more willing to be involved and support Cold Thistle...if you, the climbing consumer, will. The numbers do count!
Cheers to all, will be agreat year!
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