Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Estate of Jacob Switzer :: Amounts Paid to the Estate

There were three men (actually four, another has been found) with the name of Jacob Switzer who resided in Columbiana County, Ohio during the 1805-1860 time period. This estate file is for the Jacob Switzer who is my 4th great-grandfather and who married first Catherine Brinker (in 1811, the mother of his children) and second Leathy Bricker (in 1853). Jacob died on November 2, 1859.

To am't of Sale Bill

To am't from Thomas McCoy & Sons on Note

To am't from Barbary Manaweck on Note

To am't from Daniel Deemer on Note

To am't from Jacob Manaweck on Note

To am't from Jacob Yarian on Note

To am't from John Crowl on Note

To am't from Samuel Switzer on Note

To am't from Daniel Deemer on Note

To am't from J. B. Preston on Note

To am't from Daniel Deemer on Note

To am't from Jacob Manaweck on Note

To am't from Samuel Butz on Note

To am't from Geo W. Axe on Note

To am't from James Miller on Note

To am't from Samuel Switzer on Note

To am't from Henry & John Roose on Note

To am't from Susan Seachrist on Note

To am't from Ann Worman on Note


In Interest secured on above notes

Total Received

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